ReportGenerator has just been published. The new release offers some new features which I want do describe in this post.
Improved report preprocessing
The coverage reports generated by OpenCover/PartCover don't contain enough information to map every property/method to the corresponding source file.
For example auto properties are not mapped to a file. When a class contains only auto properties (e.g. a DTO), ReportGenerator was not able to map the class to the corresponding file and produced a report like this:
When the class contained at least one regular method, I was able to locate the auto properties in the corresponding file.
The new release now is able to locate the file, even if no other method is present. ReportGenerator searches the source directory for class files and locates the auto properties by using the NRefactory library.
In some cases ReportGenerator is not able to figure out the file. But you are able to supply one or more additional directories where ReportGenerator should look for the desired source files.
This can be done with the new command line argument: -sourcedirs.
The report will then look like expected:
Filtering assemblies
With the new release you are able to filter the assemblies that appear in the report. By specifying the command line argument -filters, assemblies could be included or excluded.
E.g. the following filter includes all assemblies that start with "MyAssembly.Include" but omits assemblies starting with "Exclude":
I hope you like the new features. Feedback is always appreciated. Get the latest release on Codeplex.